Seabury School challenges gifted children in a community that cherishes each individual and fosters a love of learning, discovery and creativity.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Experimenting with Bouyancy, Gravity, and Design

This week we explored a student's question about seeds. It was "Why do seeds have different shapes and textures?" I approached the lesson by exploring seed adaptations and travel. We studied the designs of seeds that traveled by air (dandelion seeds), seeds that "hitchhike" (foxglove) and seeds that float (coconut). Seeds need to interact with their environment in order to find a successful place where it can germinate.  Afterwards, the students had to design and test their own seeds to see if they could successfully travel. The floaters worked with the idea of bouyancy; testing surface area and weight, and if it could hold up against wind and waves. The flyers worked with gravity; trying to use the air to slow down and control the distance and travel path. The hitchhikers tested their design on the closest thing we had to fur...a stuffed animal. Below are several trial and error tests of their design.

Floater trial 1-this one sank instantly!

Floater trial- does good until it hit a wave...

If I put the seed on the bottom, it will fly longer

A bigger parachute will help me catch the air

A successful stick! (this was his third design)

Trial 2-this time using a bigger surface area and less weight up on top

CW using a gram scale to find the weight of the marker

Friday, March 16, 2012

Ideas are blowing like the Wind!

This has been a crazy month!!  Science Fair, Auction, Report Cards, oh my!  The Sharks have been incredible through all of this!  I love how well everyone works together, and share a passion for learning.  I have been able to give them challenging tasks that use higher level thinking skills to complete independently and in small groups. 

This trimester, we are examining "Interactions among Living Things." I am choosing to focus on Native Americans as our social studies content, and botany for our science.  Observational drawing, measuring, geometry, and non-fiction writing are also integrated into this study. This week, I pulled out the microscopes and give the students an opportunity to observe and study a variety of seeds.  Afterwards, they had several questions about seeds for us to research and experiment.  Here are a few of them:
     Why are seed different sizes?
     Does the size of the seed affect how big it gets?
     How are seeds made?
     Why do seeds have different textures (ie: spiky, bumpy, smooth)

In addition, we are analyzing what life is like in the Northwest, by identifying key physical features, animals and foods that are unique to our region.  Later, we will examine other regions of the US, as well as learn how humans have interacted with their environment for survival.  Below some of the ideas we brainstormed about identifying objects that are natural vs. manmade.  The stars next to some was were some groups had different opinions.  Again, this is our foundation and will be revised throughout the rest of the term.

Friday, March 2, 2012

Tying it all Together-Collaborative Learning

This trimester, in addition to our classroom topics, we have collaboratively been exploring the idea of "communication" with the Superstars and Ladybugs.  We meet twice a week and share our personal experiences as we begin to assimilate new concepts and ideas.  Problem solving, cooperation, listening, asking questions, giving hypothesis's, comparing/contrasting and cause and effect are several of the skills that students use along with math, writing, reading, social studies and science.  The Sharks continue to make connections between the lesson of the day, lessons that have been covered, and incorporate them into new lessons as we move forward.  The result?  The students are sharing more, learning how to ask insightful questions, and interacting with each other to find their answers.  Below are several pictures of our past few weeks together, including our recent field study at the Post Office.

JT, VK and TV and testing their ramps as part of a letter sorting machine

CW and fellow Superstar making labels for mailboxes

Group Shot!

Mailing letters toLakewood to New York, Bermuda and United Kingdom!

How will be deliver the mail from the mailbox?

Writing Letters

A tour at the Post Office

More letter writing with our Ladybug friends

The other side of the mailboxes in the post office