Seabury School challenges gifted children in a community that cherishes each individual and fosters a love of learning, discovery and creativity.

Friday, January 31, 2014

The Shape of Things

This week we have been working on Geometry for math.  We have talked about 2-d and 3-d.  I use terms such as angles, sides, and faces to describe each shape.  The Bumblebees also had opportunities to build 3-d shapes using different kinds of building blocks. For art, we discussed the shapes on our face and created self-portraits while studying our faces in the mirrors. In science, we continue to do research about space.  Yesterday we watched a short video and I created a model to demonstrate how the moon changes shape. Each student is working on a research project about a moon or planet in the Solar System and should have those wrapped up by the end of next week.

We were reading books and gathering facts about the moon.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Math and Swimming

Today we read "How big is a Foot?" as we are learning about standard and non-standard units of measurement. Each student made their own "foot" measure and practicing marking when measuring objects longer than their foot. They have also been practicing with inches and centimeters and documenting their measurements.

We also started swimming today!  Everyone was so excited and got started right away.  Below are some pictures from today.  Thank you parents for having everything they needed and organized. This will continue for the next few weeks on Tuesday and Thursday.

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

A Culmination of the Past Month

Learning beyond our community and where we fit in.

Budding Authors

Crazy for Pancakes

School-wide Snowflake Breakfast

Can I get more?

Watching the Amaryllis grow and documenting changes

Using non-standard tools for measurement

This is the height of one of the doors in blocks.

Experimenting with area, while creating a pattern
Creating Art with just geometric shapes.