Seabury School challenges gifted children in a community that cherishes each individual and fosters a love of learning, discovery and creativity.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Sharks learn about the Food Bank

Ms. Calhoun, a Beacon parent was able to coordinate a special tour of the Edgewood Food Bank today.  The students learned how food was distributed, and what kinds of food was available to needy families.  The Sharks had some great questions about how many people are served, and how much food each family gets.  This particular food banks serves 150 in the area! 

Here's what's happening in our room:
Reading:  Reading groups are still going strong.  Last week we read Hansel and Gretel as a whole group read aloud and had some real interesting discussions around the story.
Math:  We are wrapping up the first chapter of place value as we continue to work on patterns.  I am teaching lots of tricks about finding numbers quickly on a hundreds chart.
Writing:  We are ready to publish!  We just finished editing for capitals and periods.  I hope to get this done at the end of the week!
Social Studies: We have had a lot of great discussion around community service and what that means and looks like to them.  I will be shifting the topic to famous americans who helped make a change in their communites (and the country!)
Science:  We have been talking about physical changes in matter, and for the next few lessons we will be looking at how certain solids and liquids react together.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Scientists Hard at Work!

DS and GH studying the shape of salt crystals

EJ recording her observations in her science journal

NB and AD observing salt crystals with the microscope
This week the students have been observing and causing physical changes with matter.  In one experiment we dissolved salt into water and painted with it.  The result was the water evaporated and salt stayed behind, changing its shape in the process.  The Sharks were especially excited to use scientific tools like the magnifying glass and microscope to better observe the physical change.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Sharks Supporting our Community!

Thank you all of you who were able to come out or contribute in some form to the Pierce County Hunger Walk.  As a team, we raised $1427 for the Emergency Food Network!  The kids that were there had a blast walking the 5K (3.1 mile) route...with even a few runners in the mix.  The weather held out for us as well.  Since we advertised the Hunger Walk, a group of students have started their own Service Club to help out others.  They will be hosting a bake sale on Friday to help Pakistani flood victims.  Thank you for supporting Seabury kids as they become contributing members of their community.

Seabury kids with the Tacoma Rainers Moose

The runners at the Hunger Walk

In other news, here's what we are doing this week in the Shark's room:
Reading:  Reading groups are in full swing.  One group is starting a new chapter book called Half Magic, with another group finishing up Flat Stanley.  Other groups are working on fluency and accuracy skills at their level and making huge gains!
Writing:  We have been working on the revision stage: as one student put it, "re means to do again, and vision means to look with your eyes," so revision means looking at our writing again and finding ways to improve.  We will be editing our piece of work before a final copy is written out.
Math:  We are learning about place value, and different ways to represent numbers.  This week we are reviewing expanded notation (96= 90+6), and word form (ninety-six).
Science:  We are discussing physical changes with matter.  We have been experimenting with melting, condensation and dissolving.
Social Studies:  We are getting ready for a field trip to a local food bank and we will start talking about famous Americans who have contributed to their community.
All together just before race time!
Off we go, only three miles left!!