Seabury School challenges gifted children in a community that cherishes each individual and fosters a love of learning, discovery and creativity.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Auction Sneak and Other Activities

Last week, our auction rep finished up the last of our auction project, and we celebrated with a "stuffing" party.  Each child had abstractly designed a pillow to go with their circus act on their slat in the bench.  I must say, I was pretty impressed with how the kids designed them (and for Sonja to sew all those little pieces on there!!). They are very proud of them and a little sad they don't get to keep them, but know its for a good cause!

This last week before spring break we are continuing to build experiences with measurement.  We have been doing linear, area and volume.  The kids loved measuring and pouring at the volume tables as they had to first estimate, then record their results. We are also finishing up are latest round of story writing, and completing books in reading groups before the long break. In addition, we are finding out that not all natives only lived in teepees, and that the land was crucial for their survival.

Not to be forgotton...Parents, NICE JOB on Science Fair!!  I was so impressed by the student's work, and even more that it was THEIR work with the writing and ideas.  They loved sharing their projects with others and visiting the other classrooms as well. I didn't realize how much work these are until I had a school ager so I commend you for everything you have done to make them successful!

Your task at the Auction: Match the pillow to the story on the bench

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

A Busy February!

My apologies for letting the blog go for so long!  We have been very busy as we transition into the last trimester of the year.  Our learning focus will be around living things as we examine various biomes of the United States, and learn how people have adapted to these environments. We will be conducting several experiments with plants, comparing the lives of different Native American tribes.  Below is some of the things we have been doing over the past few weeks.
One of our many parent helpers that come in each week. 

We made animals from fraction circles.

Using manipulatives to demonstrate understanding of fractions.

We collected the temperature for February, and ready to graph our results.

Using items from nature to help tell stories.

Discovering on the light table.

Finding the Mode and Median of our weather data for February.