Seabury School challenges gifted children in a community that cherishes each individual and fosters a love of learning, discovery and creativity.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Pioneer Farms

Last Friday, the Sharks and Superstars went to Pioneer Farms, to learn how communities worked together to survive over 100 year ago.  Although it was very cold we had a great time.  The Sharks are currently working on a paragraph to describe some of the activities they did.  We started this paragraph by creating a word web.  It was much easier to organize our thoughts and we remembered several details.

 Check email for an invitation for a presentation of our culminating project on communities and citizenship with the Superstars. The Sharks have been working hard and putting several pieces together to create the final product!

The trimester ends the week after Thanksgiving break and we will be moving into a new topic of study for social studies and science.  Keeping with our theme of discovery, we will be learning about the state of Washington, as well as map skills, and learn about different weather patterns.  I hope to have some great projects and field trips for all of you to participate.