...exploring foreign liquids and solids from Planet Earth. We are investigating whether we can physically change each object while still keeping their properties. Using a States of Matter curriculum tailored for gifted students, the Sharks had to use their senses to describe each object and record their data. Afterwards, they "changed" each solid and liquid to make is smaller to determine if the properties of their object changed. Using the scientific process, the students started with a question, gave their hypothesis, collected data and shared their results.
The next day, while cleaning our "alien" ship, Mrs. Van noticed that one of the mysterious substances (cornstarch) had water spilled on it and turned into "goop." The Sharks really worked hard at deciding whether or not the mysterious goop was a solid or liquid. Bottom line: The cornstarch does not mix well with the water, therefore, it begins to mix with the water giving it a "liquid" look, but as soon as it is touched, the cornstarch molecule clump up and turn the goop into a solid. Watch to see how some students described it below: