Seabury School challenges gifted children in a community that cherishes each individual and fosters a love of learning, discovery and creativity.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Meeting the Mayor!

Through student-driven interests, I scheduled a meeting with the Mayor of Tacoma.  The Sharks had some great questions to ask, and the Mayor was excited to hear all of them.  Here are a few of their questions:
What is your favorite thing to do?
How do you make a law?
What is your favorite thing about your job?
How did you get to be Mayor?
Who do you work for?

After sharing their questions, we got to visit her office and see Tacoma from her rooftop garden.  Afterwards we had lunch at the middle school. 

Here are some of things your Sharks learned about being a Mayor:

GH: It was interesting.  She told us everything we asked.
AS: You have to ask a lot of people to make a law.
JL: Even Mayors have to obey rules.
LR: She has lots of lawyers to help her decide what we should do for the community.
VK: She had to ask for votes to become Mayor.
CH: Her favorite type of math was division.  She uses it in her job to pass out money.
CW: We learned that her favorite thing about her job was to meet other students.
JT: She has 9 city council members.  There job is to make new laws.
AM: She works for the people of Tacoma and has to live in Tacoma too.  There’s 200, 000 people in Tacoma.
TV: She forgets names of people because she meets a lot of people in her job.