The Legend of How the Flamingo Got Pink, By LL.
Flamingos used to be white. But there was one, yes one that loved pink. So for Halloween he dressed up as a pink flamingo. He found that the costume was stuck to him. All the other flamingos tried the pink costum to see if it was true and it was! After that, all the flamingos were pink.
How the Zebras Got Stripes, By KA
Zebras used to be white. Then Zakaria splashed the zebras with ink because he was mad at them. That's how the stripes got on the zebra.
A Legend of How The Parrot Got its Colors, By SOR
The parrot gots its red from flying through a fire. The parrot got its blue from flying through the Amazon river and the yellow from flying through a banana tree. The parrot got its pink from flying through a flamingo and its green from flying through a lime tree. It got its white streak down its back by flying through a cloud. The Parrot got its orange from flying through an orange tree.
The second group has read the Brothers Grimm version of the Frog Prince. The story begins with the Prince already a frog, so this group created a Pre-quel. Some a still being finished, but here is one published copy for you!
The Frog Prince's Pre-quel, By SKB
Once upon a time there was a handsome prince. His name was Allex. Allex's friend was called Aiden. Siince they were friends, Aiden invited Allex to his birthday party. At the party Allex met a mean woman. Her name was Raichell. She made Allex go into a privae room and she CURSED ALLEX AND TURNED HIM INTO A FROG! So the frog prince hopped miles and miles...Until he was so tired he fell asleep at the well very close to a castle.