Seabury School challenges gifted children in a community that cherishes each individual and fosters a love of learning, discovery and creativity.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Splish Splash

We started swimming lessons last week, and will continue for the next three weeks. It has been a refreshing change for the Sharks to get some exercise and interact with the older class as well. Overall, we have had smooth transitions to and from the pool (thanks parents for having them organized!). During the mornings, we have been preparing our weather station and ready to collect data on the weather. This week we will become temperature reading masters by providing lots of opportunity to read and record with the thermometers. In addition, the Sharks have been very busy writers. One group is researching and writing a non-fiction guide to Tornadoes and tornado safety while another group is writing a pre-quel to "The Frog Prince" by the Brothers Grimm. I will update you when these stories are completed and I would love to share them with you!!