Seabury School challenges gifted children in a community that cherishes each individual and fosters a love of learning, discovery and creativity.

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Future Marine Biologists?

As we continue to discover many habitats of the world, the Bumblebees have begged me to study the ocean.  So, I am taking a small part of it, an ocean tide pool, and examining the invertebrate animals and plant life within the pool.  The nice thing is that we live near many rocky shores, and have a trip planned in the future on a minus tide day. We will be conducting many experiments comparing salt and fresh water, buoyancy and surface tension. We will be creating models of the animals in the tidepools and discuss the unique characteristics of these animals vs. many in the deeper ocean. Below are some pictures showing us getting a first look at some of the animals to be studied in detail, and begin thinking about what we NOTICE, and what we WONDER.