Our investigation question was: What is the most common shape at school?
Our hypothesis:
2 students thought squares
2 students thought rectangles
3 students thought rhombus
1 student thought trapazoid
Here are our results:
YK rectangle was the most.
I found them outside and inside there was so many.
RH: I found most trapazoids because I found them on the back
table with the pattern and building blocks.
MK: I got a lot of diamonds because I found them everywhere.
AL: I have 12 diamonds, 13 squares and 13 triangles and 6
IS: I go the most rectangles. The second most was circles, 3rd
most squares and least of triangles.
IK: I got most of rectangles and least of triangles bedcause
I got 0, six rectangles and 2 squares, 0 triangles and 5 circles.
VM: I have most of rectangles (47) I have little triangles
but it wasn’t the most. There was 14.
ZK: I got three triangles, 16 squares and 9 circles.
Triangle was hard to find because there wasn’t any triangles
in the classroom. We looked everywhere.
Rectangle was easy to find because there are a lot of things
that are rectangle.
Rectangles were more popular than triangles and squares.