Seabury School challenges gifted children in a community that cherishes each individual and fosters a love of learning, discovery and creativity.

Monday, February 23, 2015

Going on a Shape Hunt

This week, we are examining geometric and organic shapes in our world. We have had a lot of exposure working with various shapes with the pattern and building blocks, and we will further investigate how we use shapes in our world, and why some are more used than others in buildings. This morning, we went on a shape hunt to collect data on the types of shapes at school.

Our investigation question was: What is the most common shape at school?

Our hypothesis:
2  students thought squares
2 students thought rectangles
3 students thought rhombus
1 student thought trapazoid

Here are our results:
YK rectangle was the most.  I found them outside and inside there was so many.
RH: I found most trapazoids because I found them on the back table with the pattern and building blocks.
MK: I got a lot of diamonds because I found them everywhere.
AL: I have 12 diamonds, 13 squares and 13 triangles and 6 rectangles.
IS: I go the most rectangles.  The second most was circles, 3rd most squares and least of triangles.
IK: I got most of rectangles and least of triangles bedcause I got 0, six rectangles and 2 squares, 0 triangles and 5 circles.
VM: I have most of rectangles (47) I have little triangles but it wasn’t the most. There was 14.
ZK: I got three triangles, 16 squares and 9 circles.

Triangle was hard to find because there wasn’t any triangles in the classroom. We looked everywhere.
Rectangle was easy to find because there are a lot of things that are rectangle.
Rectangles were more popular than triangles and squares.